How To Generate MASSIVE Leads by Writing Blog Posts!

Yes, writing blog posts can generate massive leads. It’s not as counter-intuitive as you might think. 

If you’re asking yourself:

  • “How on earth can writing a blog post get me MORE sales??!”
  • “I don’t have time to write blog posts, I’m too busy selling!”
  • “Surely writing blogs is a job for marketing and not sales?”

Well let me clear this up right now, writing blogs plain and simply CAN and WILL get you more sales, and I’m going to show you how.

What gives me the right to show you how to write successful blogs?

Over the last 2 years I’ve written over 170 blog articles including several viral blogs, some being read over 400,000 times each. These blogs have created countless sales opportunities and proven to be a crucial part of my sales process.

So because of blogging, I’ve built a strong personal brand that has unlocked massive opportunities.

I’ll show you how to do it too.

Let’s start off with what a blog is:

What is a Blog?


A regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.

Blogs tend to be informal pieces of writing that may tell a story, provide insight, educate, share expertise, and spark debate.

They are one of the most popular forms of online content as they are bold, brief and easy to digest.

It’s generally something light, like a few pages from a book. 

Instead of reading newspapers or books, people now read blogs.

If your prospects and customers are reading blogs, then why wouldn’t you want to utilize them as a method of prospecting, building trust and showing expertise?

How I Personally “Got Past The Gatekeeper” By Writing Insightful Blog Posts

There was once a local company with a very tough gatekeeper that would reject all my attempts to get past them.

Been there before right? Frustrating!

This is when I decided to start blogging… 

After publishing my weekly blog, I noticed that someone from the same company I was targeting had liked my blog!

This was a fantastic opportunity to get an “in” with this company so I popped the lady a message to thank her for reading my blog and ask what she liked about it.

A short conversation later she connected me directly with the right person and a meeting was booked!

That meeting turned into a pitch which resulted in a sale and a great customer.

Stop Hating On Social Selling. It Works!

This is where social selling works.

Social selling is not about replacing any part of the sales process but acts to ENHANCE it.

I still attempted to prospect that company via cold call, and I would have continued to do so.

However by integrating social into the process, writing a blog, engaging someone within the company and leveraging that opportunity to get to the buyer I was able to fast track that process.

What Makes A Good Writer? 

Not every sales person will make a good blog writer, however there are plenty of sales people out there who craft masterpiece articles built to attract business.

A good blog writer does the following:

  • Has the ability to capture attention.
  • Can give people a reason to want to speak to you.
  • Can articulately provide unique, valuable insight.

So, here are my top 5 tips to writing successful blog articles:

1) Pick An “Oh My God I Have To Read This” Blog Title

Put yourself in your reader’s shoes.

Their social media feeds are BLOATED with content.

They spend several minutes at a time scrolling through to catch up on what’s happening in the world.

The only content that will attract their attention is the ones that REALLY stand out.

When you create your blog title it has to draw people in to want to read it.

Top Tip – Try this headline analyzer for more engaging headlines.

2) Select A Super High Quality, Compelling Image

There is nothing worse than a poor quality image on a blog post to ruin it.

If you want to appear like a trusted source, make sure your quality reflects that.

Top TipTry Canva for a fantastic, free to use platform to create amazing blog title and blog content images.

3) Provide Unique Value & REAL Insight

[Tweet “Don’t fall into the trap of just talking about YOUR company or YOUR product – @DanielDisney86”]

The blog isn’t and should never be a sales pitch.

The blog should always be about providing insight and value.

Here is what true, unique value means:

  • Relevancy
  • One Of A Kind
  • Helpful
  • Differentiated Style / Voice

Rand Fishkin explains how to provide truly unique value in your content.

4) Always Encourage Audience Engagement (And Make Sure You Respond)

If you want your articles to go viral you want to drive as much engagement as possible.

This can be done by asking for their thoughts, creating debate, setting a vote. Something that encourages them to click Like, Comment or Share the blog.

5) Do It Consistently, Or Don’t Do It At All

Whilst writing a single or inconsistent blog is better than no blog, to get the best return I would highly recommend making it a consistent thing.

This could be weekly, fortnightly or monthly, but set a plan and make sure you stick to it.

If you haven’t written a blog before I highly recommend if anything giving it a try.

3 years ago I had never written a blog, meanwhile today I have created endless opportunities through blogging.

I have seen others create amazing opportunities through blogging as well.

Guess what that means?

You can do it too.

Happy writing!

With 14+ years extensive sales experience, Daniel is a highly driven, successful and influential sales leader. With experience closing multi million pound deals and leading large sales teams along with creating social brands that reach millions of people, Daniel is a valuable modern sales resource. Taking all of that sales success and experience Daniel is now focused on coaching businesses and sales professionals all across the world on delivering real results.

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